How is the project "Life" Rivignano? Frankly I do not know! Last
City Council was held in late November last year and is still before our administrators do not treat the topic in a public official.
This is not to say, of course, that there are working on it: I just want to point out that if we are working on, they do an activity "office" managed by professionals.
Right? Wrong?
Mah! Personally, if I consider that the project
than two and a half million euros of which about six hundred thousand (and hopefully no more, but some background on how you handle it ... they fear the worst!) Will come out of our pockets citizens rivignanesi why we pay taxes comunali anche per questo, penso e dico che
il Consiglio Comunale ma anche tutta la cittadinanza dovrebbero essere più informati sull'andamento di questo progetto .
E per "più informazione" non intendo quegli articoli di giornale dove si autocelebra che il lavoro va avanti, che si ringrazia questi e quelli, che si è fatto la selezione dei semi delle varietà delle piante che andranno messe a dimora nei vivai per poi essere trapiantate e si invita pure la cittadinanza a richiedere le piantine per trapiantarle...
Diciamo pure ben vengano anche queste notizie; ma ciò che poi
vogliamo sapere è anche
l'andamento concreto del progetto: il timing delle attività previste per rispettare gli that there are obligations towards the European Union which funds the bulk of the investment, the progress of the work already established or planned developments of the planned investments and a serious analysis of whether the costs really are within the estimates drawn up by the project and if not, why . Here we would like to know too.
Meanwhile, otherwise, the few things that you know are the ones that you may know, actually see why one can encounter more or less easily and / or randomly.
For example, it will also be a trivial matter, but we are sure
suitability in identifying someone did that to Ariis (at the bottom of the straight Sharpshooters and 8 ° away before the tanks of the laboratory FTEs)
the site of the nursery planned to make temporary home and planting native species of trees (which is one of the main aims of this project)? From the images that follow, first of all show that this piece of land to the state where it is today (regardless of water) seems anything but a future nursery. It 's normal? We are on time with the work? What do you think the European Community (assuming they know anything)?
(Click image to enlarge) |
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Then I think a large part of
rivignanesi (but not limited to) know well, and always, that this whole area is subject to periodic flooding (which are certainly not anyone's fault); flooding that are not easily controlled (not I know, in fact, if the proposed works on the banks will soon be entirely avoided, at least riguarda le campagne circostanti la strada; tra cui, appunto, il nostro "vivaio").
Questo terreno è stato espropriato e pagato (con i soldi di tutti i rivignanesi):
i (pochi) che hanno deciso, hanno fatto prima queste valutazioni? O poi scopriremo che, guarda caso, non va più bene e si deve cambiare area e sono stati spesi soldi per niente?
Alla prossima (se saprò qualcosa!).
Sempre in ambito "acqua": guardate un po' qua che "mazzata" si è presa alcune settimane fa la
strada appena rifatta dalla nostra amministrazione nell'ambito
Parco dello Stella (se non erro per la spesa di
circa 30,000 Euros). For the uninitiated, is the country road towards
Driolassa that starts from the crossing place on the road direct-Ariis Teor.
I am not an expert on these things but just looking at the ditches that have been created in the wayside, taking also the size of pipe crossings in (what is this? 50, 60 up to 80 cm in diameter?) And considered the flows of water that presumably there may be in this area in terms of rainfall "normal" (and much less when it rains a lot) ...
from what is profane piutosto would seem obvious that the first serious rain these "Fossetti" and these "channels" should go immediately to force a crisis not able to divert water and therefore it must necessarily pass on what it finds (the ditches themselves, the way the fields) damaging. Meanwhile
must now pull out the "Schei" if nothing else just to repair the damage? Then we do? Cross your fingers to hope it does not ricapitino more heavy rain? Mah!
Even in these photos click on it and you can see them enlarged.