The village Plans La La Bruce, thanks to the opportunity to have within a theater from more than 300 in a position to shape and size, to accommodate theatrical and musical events and level of quality, kicked off during the summer of 2008, the Cultural Review "How Events." Review who has collected immediately gratifying success. We, the organizers of this initiative, mindful of past experience and anxious not to disappoint the expectations raised, we decided to repeat a season full of memorable events and more exciting. We are proud to announce the news of this year we have given life to the 'Cultural Association ACT (Acting Col Theatre) which will evenings of prose in the Review "How Events." ACT has among the various features to deal with the promotion, dissemination, protection and development of theatrical and musical culture by encouraging the active participation of citizens, organizing business meetings or aggregation never predictable and based upon offering the public a intelligent entertainment, proposing themes that veicolino important messages.
The weekend of plays of 21 22 August 23, 2009 is based precisely on this fact, through the skill and talent of well-known players in the Italian theater, will be discussed in an ironic way, but deep of subjects such as illegal migration, domestic violence, the value of femininity. Initiating, through the act of celebration of the staging, the Project Donna Calabria, which will address the themes: "The Value of Women and Femininity" and "The 'Access to Culture for the feminine world." The project aims to spread over a vast territory, through the synergy of public and private corporations, associations and non-profit organization. By offering opportunities for sharing, artistic creation, the enjoyment of art, education, information, awareness, using the tools of the theater, and the Art of Poetry and Music.
August 21, 2009 at 21:00
By: John Clements.
Directed by: Nicola Pistoia.
By: Nicola Pistoia, Paolo Triestino, Elisabetta De Vito.
Sergio, middle-aged man earns his living as a centurion at the Coliseum while her sister Mary, is employed by a chat line erotica; but business did not go well: while he competition is increasingly a problem, you lose your job. To rebound seems to be the arrival of the improbable engineer Belarusian Milan, and clandestine mercenary, from whose ideas the pair seems to leave completely drag. After "Masons" and "Joseph and Mary Grisù" Trieste is the pair-Pistoia fitted with topical immigration but especially with the eternal dynamics of the encounter / clash between different. In essence, a comparison of lived far away, opposite personalities, for a final surprise.
August 22, 2009 at 21:00
" NO MORE 'Nothing In This World "
Di: Massimo Carlotto
Adattamento e Regia: Nicola Pistoia
Con: Crescenza Guarnieri
Sola in scena, l'attrice indossa una sottoveste cinese da 12,90, ha una bottiglia di vermuth in mano, parla da sola. Sullo sfondo la Torino dei quartieri operai, che operai non sono più... Mancanza di lavoro, totale assenza di prospects of a lifetime "quality" and the difficulty of making ends meet when you are no longer productive. It hurts the lack of cultural tools to oppose the dreariness of existence, as television becomes the only model, outlet and vent. The show, an adaptation in one act monologue writer Massimo Carlotto (host of the 2008 edition of "Serravalle Noir"), sees an actress sensitive and intense as the young Crescenza Guarnieri give voice and body to the female figure protagonist, as in delirium heartbreaking and ironic and pathetic ever, recalls his own history and that of his family, including figures, prices, brands, products, promotions and TV broadcasts.
23 AGOSTO 2009 ORE 21,00
“ VISSI D'ARTE, VISSI PER MARIA” - La vita di Maria Callas raccontata dalla sua governante Bruna
Di: Roberto D'Alessandro
Regia: Ciro Scalera
Con: Elisabetta De Vito (Attrice) e con Antonella Biondo (Cantante)
Maria Callas... in scena era indispensabile, nella vita avrebbe voluto esserlo. Il tenero bisogno dell’uomo di proiettarsi in qualcosa di divino, insieme con un padre assente e una madre anaffettiva ed arrivista, sono gli ingredienti che hanno probabilmente determinato il destino di Maria. Un disperato bisogno di affetto sembra aver spinto la mitica cantante alla ricerca di una perfezione che le tributasse un amore universale e incondizionato. Una vita di chiaro-scuri ma sempre densi, impregnati di solennità. L'attrice Elisabetta De Vito, nei panni della fedele Bruna Lupoli, la governante di Maria Callas, fra the e pasticcini racconta, come rivivendo, la vita della Divina. Una dimensione che vuole rispecchiare la Maria-donna semplice e indifesa nell’impari conflitto con la grandeur della Callas-mito in scena. Bruna si muove come nel salotto di casa Callas, aggirandosi fra gli ospiti-pubblico, rivitalizzando ricordi ora struggenti e nostalgici, ora impavidi e fieri, attraversando le tappe più significative della vita di Maria. Una su tutte, l’incontro con Aristotele Onassis. Vera e propria linea di demarcazione fra l’ascesa del Mito e l’inizio della sua umanizzazione.
Costo Abbonamento: 25,00 euro
Costo Singolo Biglietto: 15,00 euro
Il Borgo dei Piani de La Bruca
Via Unità d'Italia n. 1
Località La Bruca - 87029 Scalea (Cs) - Italia
Tel: 0985/42073
E-mail: ilborgo@email.it
Web: www.ilborgodeipianidelabruca.com
Ufficio Stampa:
Francesca Panebianco
e-mail: f.panebianco@libero.it
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