Assembly of the Union of Municipalities "Heart of the Star" resources running out?
Tuesday, September 28 at the town hall was held Rivignano of the House of Commons of the Union "the core of stars."
the agenda a little more than usual ... in theory.
Data for read and approved the minutes of the previous sitting, the President Anzil read a report on "recognition of the implementation of programs e salvaguardia degli equilibri di bilancio anno 2010".
Nel breve confronto che ne è seguito il consigliere Paolo Battistutta ha fatto osservare come la quasi totalità di quelli che erano stati appena presentati come positivi risparmi o contenimenti delle spese in realtà si trattavano di preoccupanti effetti dovuti alle diminuite presenze e partecipazione alle attività proposte dai Comuni, ed in particolare in quello di Rivignano (tracollo dei ragazzi iscritti al centro estivo; forte diminuzione delle adesioni alle gite sociali e soggiorni per anziani). Per quanto riguarda il centro estivo a Rivignano, ad esempio, seppur i conti con il pagamento di tutte le spese non sono ancora del tutto chiusi, Batistutta prevede che l'analisi dei costi pro-capite There will be increased to the bitter surprise.
It is more important the element of "savings" in absolute terms to the detriment of less fruition of services by the citizens? It is more important to observe the deterioration of the costs for each person? The fact is that both aspects are certainly not positive!
The meeting was held Monday, September 27 at 8:30 p.m. in Town Hall Rivignano for the "launch" of the initiative of the "Grandparents and civic volunteers for safety, as well as myself, and two speakers (Deputy Mayor Mr. Edi Baron Toaldo, initiative, and Mr. Pizzolla) were ... 5 present (three men and two nice ladies, mothers of preschool children, if I understand correctly). Sic!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Roseville Galleria Abercrombie
blocked appropriations for the Library.
Tuesday, September 22 at the Public Library of Rivignano was held the meeting of the Council Commission for Culture, Library and protect local traditions. "
Two important news that emerged on the occasion: a firm of investment and lack of consideration of the role of the Commission. Obviously the latter is a review of some of us, offered the assessment and comment of the reader.
My colleague Mauro Meret Adviser (with responsibility for cultural activities for the City of Rivignano) has announced that the first
the Directors of the Union (which falls under this activity) has decided to discontinue any further purchase of books and journals by libraries at least until December 31, 2010.
the three unions (Anzil, Bernardis and Mattiussi) with the stop of Directors endorsed a cultural investment upgrade of our libraries. Decision
explained in part by the economic environment certainly not happy, we wonder, however, if you need to save money already so exaggerated (we could also add the difficulties to give a contribution of just over a hundred euros for the carouse following the inauguration of 'year of the University of the Third Age?) are not indicators of a worrying economic situation really dramatically already in deficit and that comes even silenced the real situation to the people of our three countries?
always the Council Meret, then, before leaving for other commitments (not a member of the commission) has also informed that in the coming weeks will be held in two events related Rivignano Pirandello (whose organization is run by Latisana if I understand it correctly). Many components of the present
Comisisone showed their obvious "perplexity" at the (understandably embarrassed) president of the commission, Elisa Zatti (a turn, so we said, a little late and informed of the thing). Unless these are the "cultural activities", of which the Commission should deal with other (even at the level of organizational support)? And 'what obviously must be passed by the head of each of these. Of course, none of them plan to lay claim to pretend to be involved in decision making and programming of such events, but not be even minimally informed about then!
Several of these, in fact, showed more or less explicitly to President Elisa Zatti (however politely) all their personal distress in the face of objective evidence which is at this point, consider that the Mayor apparently Anzil, Deputy Mayor and the whole Baron Rivignano Junta should have their commission to this council (most of their components are specified, from the president Zatti) and, consequently, all their doubts on the usefulness of their participation in these activities. We'll see in
went on.
Tuesday, September 22 at the Public Library of Rivignano was held the meeting of the Council Commission for Culture, Library and protect local traditions. "
Two important news that emerged on the occasion: a firm of investment and lack of consideration of the role of the Commission. Obviously the latter is a review of some of us, offered the assessment and comment of the reader.
My colleague Mauro Meret Adviser (with responsibility for cultural activities for the City of Rivignano) has announced that the first
the Directors of the Union (which falls under this activity) has decided to discontinue any further purchase of books and journals by libraries at least until December 31, 2010.
the three unions (Anzil, Bernardis and Mattiussi) with the stop of Directors endorsed a cultural investment upgrade of our libraries. Decision
explained in part by the economic environment certainly not happy, we wonder, however, if you need to save money already so exaggerated (we could also add the difficulties to give a contribution of just over a hundred euros for the carouse following the inauguration of 'year of the University of the Third Age?) are not indicators of a worrying economic situation really dramatically already in deficit and that comes even silenced the real situation to the people of our three countries?
always the Council Meret, then, before leaving for other commitments (not a member of the commission) has also informed that in the coming weeks will be held in two events related Rivignano Pirandello (whose organization is run by Latisana if I understand it correctly). Many components of the present
Comisisone showed their obvious "perplexity" at the (understandably embarrassed) president of the commission, Elisa Zatti (a turn, so we said, a little late and informed of the thing). Unless these are the "cultural activities", of which the Commission should deal with other (even at the level of organizational support)? And 'what obviously must be passed by the head of each of these. Of course, none of them plan to lay claim to pretend to be involved in decision making and programming of such events, but not be even minimally informed about then!
Several of these, in fact, showed more or less explicitly to President Elisa Zatti (however politely) all their personal distress in the face of objective evidence which is at this point, consider that the Mayor apparently Anzil, Deputy Mayor and the whole Baron Rivignano Junta should have their commission to this council (most of their components are specified, from the president Zatti) and, consequently, all their doubts on the usefulness of their participation in these activities. We'll see in
went on.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Swatches Lorac Hollywood Blush
A roundabout instead of traffic lights' "Asylum."
A couple of weeks ago, the Administration has invited the families of the children attended the kindergarten "Duca D'Aosta" Rivignano to dun meeting at the council chamber of City Hall to inform them of the project to replace ' current (only) traffic lights at the intersection of Via Umberto I, Via Udine, via and via Codroipo Varmo, where even the corner 'on asylum. "
Present at the meeting Anzil by the Mayor, the Councillor Tonizzo and technical authority to develop the project, the first evidence is that the meeting was a real flop in As there were only 13 people (including myself and a colleague recommended).
frankly do not understand also why he wanted to involve, at least at this early stage, only parents of children frequantanti the 'Asylum': While these might seem the most directly concerned, but in my humble opinion, all other Rivignano citizens have the same right to know and be able to intervene at this early stage of this project, knowing the intentions, the costs and assessing their usefulness and possibly expressing prorie evaluations.
This project make a round, wanted by the Administration, will be implemented by shifting of € 160,000 already allocated for the expansion of the initial stretch of Via Cavour (which will continue to remain so pericolosetta), we wonder, though, as you can throw overboard so that the design costs of enlargement will have to pay for power , since the intervention was almost in the implementation phase.
This new project, the approximate cost of about € 130,000, includes a round (it will be almost flat, with a minimum elevation of the central disk), which is precise size and the remaining € 30,000 would be needed to rearrange (?) A stretch of pavement Via Cavour, where we understand. Not having
we could see a final design of questa futura rotonda, ma solo quello "preliminare", ci restano alcune perplessità:
1) verificare se la rotonda, che dovrà "incastrarsi" tra le opere adiacenti esistenti, avrà davvero le dimensioni minime obbligatorie che ci hanno annunciato (se non rispettano tali dimensioni, in teoria non potrebbero farla ... poi in Italia "si combina");
2) verificare come potranno circolarvi i camion, soprattutto i "bilici", senza dover necessariamente salire sopra il disco centrale (che se fatto ripetutamente, lo disfano);
3) verificare, ed è forse la cosa più importante considerato che le auto tenderanno a muoversi sulla rotonda, seppur rallentando, senza fermarsi, se la visibilità a destra di ognuno che impegna tale rotonda (forse ostacolata dagli edifici esistenti) sarà sufficiente a garantire un adeguato tempo di reazione per garantire la sicurezza.
Per obiettività, in conclusione, va riconosciuto che l'idea di intervenire sullla recinzione dell' "Asilo" verso via Udine arretrandola un po' (dove ora c'è il portone con in parte un piccolo porticato) per ricavare un rientro atto a ospitare la fermata del dello scuolabus e delle corriere di linea senza bloccare la strada, è una buona idea.
Attendiamo di conoscere come si evolverà il progetto (e se vogliono farlo conoscere a tutti i rivignanesi).
A couple of weeks ago, the Administration has invited the families of the children attended the kindergarten "Duca D'Aosta" Rivignano to dun meeting at the council chamber of City Hall to inform them of the project to replace ' current (only) traffic lights at the intersection of Via Umberto I, Via Udine, via and via Codroipo Varmo, where even the corner 'on asylum. "
Present at the meeting Anzil by the Mayor, the Councillor Tonizzo and technical authority to develop the project, the first evidence is that the meeting was a real flop in As there were only 13 people (including myself and a colleague recommended).
frankly do not understand also why he wanted to involve, at least at this early stage, only parents of children frequantanti the 'Asylum': While these might seem the most directly concerned, but in my humble opinion, all other Rivignano citizens have the same right to know and be able to intervene at this early stage of this project, knowing the intentions, the costs and assessing their usefulness and possibly expressing prorie evaluations.
This project make a round, wanted by the Administration, will be implemented by shifting of € 160,000 already allocated for the expansion of the initial stretch of Via Cavour (which will continue to remain so pericolosetta), we wonder, though, as you can throw overboard so that the design costs of enlargement will have to pay for power , since the intervention was almost in the implementation phase.
This new project, the approximate cost of about € 130,000, includes a round (it will be almost flat, with a minimum elevation of the central disk), which is precise size and the remaining € 30,000 would be needed to rearrange (?) A stretch of pavement Via Cavour, where we understand. Not having
we could see a final design of questa futura rotonda, ma solo quello "preliminare", ci restano alcune perplessità:
1) verificare se la rotonda, che dovrà "incastrarsi" tra le opere adiacenti esistenti, avrà davvero le dimensioni minime obbligatorie che ci hanno annunciato (se non rispettano tali dimensioni, in teoria non potrebbero farla ... poi in Italia "si combina");
2) verificare come potranno circolarvi i camion, soprattutto i "bilici", senza dover necessariamente salire sopra il disco centrale (che se fatto ripetutamente, lo disfano);
3) verificare, ed è forse la cosa più importante considerato che le auto tenderanno a muoversi sulla rotonda, seppur rallentando, senza fermarsi, se la visibilità a destra di ognuno che impegna tale rotonda (forse ostacolata dagli edifici esistenti) sarà sufficiente a garantire un adeguato tempo di reazione per garantire la sicurezza.
Per obiettività, in conclusione, va riconosciuto che l'idea di intervenire sullla recinzione dell' "Asilo" verso via Udine arretrandola un po' (dove ora c'è il portone con in parte un piccolo porticato) per ricavare un rientro atto a ospitare la fermata del dello scuolabus e delle corriere di linea senza bloccare la strada, è una buona idea.
Attendiamo di conoscere come si evolverà il progetto (e se vogliono farlo conoscere a tutti i rivignanesi).
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wife And Husband In Shower
1. Press custom
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4. Update website and create social network space
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7. events such as contemporary art exhibitions, meetings, conventions, inaugurations, weddings Italian and foreign, symbolic rites
8. coordinated corporate image consulting
9. Wedding Planner
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Pokemon Deluge Cheats Hack
ENRICO CATTANEO - fotografie
shows 339
Saturday, September 18, 2010
inauguration and drink
An exhibition of photos " intimate and experimental Enrico Cattaneo.
Born in Milan in 1933 and has always been active in the artistic photographer in Milan: from the meetings in the '60s to the "Jamaica" di Brera, to shots of 1970 dedicated to the Festival of Milan Novo Realists to the most recent events featuring art and Italian culture in recent decades.
The Foundation Mudima Milan dedicated to him in March 2010 a large retrospective exhibition of documents and photos taken in the studios of famous artists or filmed during the personal rooms of the Venice Biennale.
Unlike other shows in this solo exhibition Gallery Peccolo chose to present his photographs more experimental: the Chimifoto together with some poses in elaborate study of the subject as the most artistic Masks and Characters .
shows 339
Saturday, September 18, 2010
inauguration and drink

An exhibition of photos " intimate and experimental Enrico Cattaneo.
Born in Milan in 1933 and has always been active in the artistic photographer in Milan: from the meetings in the '60s to the "Jamaica" di Brera, to shots of 1970 dedicated to the Festival of Milan Novo Realists to the most recent events featuring art and Italian culture in recent decades.
The Foundation Mudima Milan dedicated to him in March 2010 a large retrospective exhibition of documents and photos taken in the studios of famous artists or filmed during the personal rooms of the Venice Biennale.
Unlike other shows in this solo exhibition Gallery Peccolo chose to present his photographs more experimental: the Chimifoto together with some poses in elaborate study of the subject as the most artistic Masks and Characters .
In the catalog accompanying the exhibition by Edizioni Peccolo, an interview with the artist to Federico Sardella .
Saturday, October 16 2010 18.00
"Enrico Cattaneo, WARRIORS" Nomos Edizioni, Busto Arsizio
will attend the round table:
Anna Comino Guido Galimberti, Maria Rosa Pividori, Patrizia Serra, Enrico Cattaneo
period of the exhibition from September 18 to October 17, 2010
every day 10-13 / 16-20 Closed on Mondays and holidays.
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