shows 339
Saturday, September 18, 2010
inauguration and drink

An exhibition of photos " intimate and experimental Enrico Cattaneo.
Born in Milan in 1933 and has always been active in the artistic photographer in Milan: from the meetings in the '60s to the "Jamaica" di Brera, to shots of 1970 dedicated to the Festival of Milan Novo Realists to the most recent events featuring art and Italian culture in recent decades.
The Foundation Mudima Milan dedicated to him in March 2010 a large retrospective exhibition of documents and photos taken in the studios of famous artists or filmed during the personal rooms of the Venice Biennale.
Unlike other shows in this solo exhibition Gallery Peccolo chose to present his photographs more experimental: the Chimifoto together with some poses in elaborate study of the subject as the most artistic Masks and Characters .
In the catalog accompanying the exhibition by Edizioni Peccolo, an interview with the artist to Federico Sardella .
Saturday, October 16 2010 18.00
"Enrico Cattaneo, WARRIORS" Nomos Edizioni, Busto Arsizio
will attend the round table:
Anna Comino Guido Galimberti, Maria Rosa Pividori, Patrizia Serra, Enrico Cattaneo
period of the exhibition from September 18 to October 17, 2010
every day 10-13 / 16-20 Closed on Mondays and holidays.
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