opere 1959-1984
(diari, paesaggi, presenze, inserti, frammenti)
(diari, paesaggi, presenze, inserti, frammenti)

sabato 13 novembre 2010
ore 18,00
inaugurazione della mostra e drink

died October 10, 1988.
He started painting young, first
landscapes and expressionist paintings after
informal and materials.
attended Brera in Milan and the "Jamaica", live in the climate of those years ago
friendship with Fontana, Manzoni, Castellani and all other
held in 1961 when together with Ferrari, Sordini, Verga and founded La Pietra
the art group "The Cenobio.
those years are the series of paintings "Diaries," "Attendance," "Inserts"
with which the attention of critics and collectors.
The artistic group "Cenobio" together
with Azimuth, and visual and optical research groups have characterized
art and culture is Milanese Italian
for all the years '60 / 70. After 1970, dissolved
"The Cenobio" Arturo Worm continues to research the job opening
more space with its "platforms" and "Fragments",
wooden structures covered with black graphite or laminate
with silver foil or d 'gold. A sort of Dolmen
that will insert in the fitting of its exhibitions. In 1975 he proposed his idea for a renewed
happiness through the magazine "Blue"
and the famous "Manifesto of the Disengagement."
Gallery Peccolo had already paid homage to this extraordinary artist
nella retrospettiva
organizzatagli a Livorno nel 1997. Nella seconda mostra
odierna ha scelto di evidenziare maggiormente, insieme
con i piĆ¹ conosciuti quadri "Diari", le luminose opere
spaziali dorate o argentate: "Piattaforme" e "Frammenti".
Nel catalogo che accompagna la mostra a cura
delle Edizioni Peccolo, la riproposta di una storica
introduzione scritta da Tommaso Trini nel 1974
insieme ad alcuni scritti editi ed inediti dell'artista.
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