receive and gladly publish this note Fossati Caesar, councilor of PD Liss:

Rummaging in the annals of the web, I found an interesting news, which made me proud of the history written by the grandparents and great-grandparents Lissone.
In the elections of 1924, the National List of Mussolini, who had a nation-wide average of 60% of voters in Brianza got a bad result for only 18.7%, Liss with 307 votes (equal to only 11.8% of voters (30700:2721)) had the worst results (see attached doc jpg "Elections 1924").
policies of '24 had confirmed the result of administrative action in 1923 with the election of the Popular Party mayor, John Mariani "Since Bel”, che sarà poi defenestrato dal podestà fascista.
Per il Duce fu una sconfitta bruciante, la furia di Mussolini si manifestò con una raffica di violenze che colpì le istituzioni sia cattoliche che socialiste. Con l'aiuto di squadre fasciste giunte dalla Bassa milanese e da Milano, a Monza furono devastate le sedi de «Il Cittadino» e della Camera del Lavoro, 14 circoli cattolici e 12 socialisti; e nel circondario cooperative, circoli e biblioteche di ben 43 paesi subirono la stessa sorte. A Lissone la vendetta fascista si scatenò sull’Osteria della Passeggiata, con danni materiali e percosse ai presenti, e sul circolo della gioventù cattolica San Filippo Neri.
Esemplare fu questo manifesto fascista (See attached doc jpg "Russia or Italy" or the legend at the bottom of the page)
tones offensive and disparaging to those who think otherwise look the same today, do not answer with arguments but with injuries (bastard, traitor, etc.) branding of communism who is not, because the goal is to slander and distort the real issues by addressing people's fears to other phantom targets, repeating falsehoods to make them look real, as Machiavelli said in 1513
From this new year ahead, 1924 will be remembered by me only for the birth of my father Gino, but also for the courageous choice of the generation of my grandparents, who defended their vote freedom and democracy, unlike most of the rest of Fascist Italy.
In the elections of 1924, the National List of Mussolini, who had a nation-wide average of 60% of voters in Brianza got a bad result for only 18.7%, Liss with 307 votes (equal to only 11.8% of voters (30700:2721)) had the worst results (see attached doc jpg "Elections 1924").
policies of '24 had confirmed the result of administrative action in 1923 with the election of the Popular Party mayor, John Mariani "Since Bel”, che sarà poi defenestrato dal podestà fascista.
Per il Duce fu una sconfitta bruciante, la furia di Mussolini si manifestò con una raffica di violenze che colpì le istituzioni sia cattoliche che socialiste. Con l'aiuto di squadre fasciste giunte dalla Bassa milanese e da Milano, a Monza furono devastate le sedi de «Il Cittadino» e della Camera del Lavoro, 14 circoli cattolici e 12 socialisti; e nel circondario cooperative, circoli e biblioteche di ben 43 paesi subirono la stessa sorte. A Lissone la vendetta fascista si scatenò sull’Osteria della Passeggiata, con danni materiali e percosse ai presenti, e sul circolo della gioventù cattolica San Filippo Neri.
Esemplare fu questo manifesto fascista (See attached doc jpg "Russia or Italy" or the legend at the bottom of the page)
tones offensive and disparaging to those who think otherwise look the same today, do not answer with arguments but with injuries (bastard, traitor, etc.) branding of communism who is not, because the goal is to slander and distort the real issues by addressing people's fears to other phantom targets, repeating falsehoods to make them look real, as Machiavelli said in 1513
From this new year ahead, 1924 will be remembered by me only for the birth of my father Gino, but also for the courageous choice of the generation of my grandparents, who defended their vote freedom and democracy, unlike most of the rest of Fascist Italy.
beginning of 2011 this a wish,
who still wants to resist in the name of freedom, against the arrogance and the insults of every color,
to those who resist the rules and respect for people, against the barbarism that is destroying our society, those who want to resist
indifference that kills gazing always at their side,
proud of how our grandparents voted Brianza in 1924.
who still wants to resist in the name of freedom, against the arrogance and the insults of every color,
to those who resist the rules and respect for people, against the barbarism that is destroying our society, those who want to resist
indifference that kills gazing always at their side,
proud of how our grandparents voted Brianza in 1924.
Fascist Manifesto 1924 for the post-election Brianza.
"Russia or Italy?
the white community, which, under the breastplate of the Cross, led the district in Monza and devious and nefarious campaign foul-mouthed in the momentary victory of the anti-nationalist parties fornicanti obscenely with each other, serve as a warning to the solemn lessons of respect and remorse if they induce in are still capable of remorse.
Voters Italy all have given their votes to the extent of 65% on National List by arranging a huge victory for the Fascist government of Benito Mussolini Duce by more than five million votes, while all other liste sommate assieme popolari, unitari, massimalisti, comunisti, democratici, massoni, ecc. ecc., ne raccolsero due milioni.
Solo Monza e il suo Circondario ha dato l'obrobrioso risultato del 16% alla lista Nazionale.
E' un ben triste fatto che va imputato esclusivamente ai vari bolscevichi bianchi e rossi che rispondono ai nomi di Grandi, Mauri, Reina, ercoli ecc. ecc. tutti sinistramente affratellati col bieco ex prete Riboldi, al quale è persino mancato il coraggio di andare a votare.
Tutti costoro con il loro stato maggiore, sono responsabili del misfatto elettorale che, in pieno decaduncato comunista nella stessa Russia, han portato i 1647 elettori comunisti del 1921 a circa 15.000 fra comuisti e massimalisti nel 1924.
Rightly from several parts of the Peninsula that have been asked, Monza and its surroundings are part of Italy or Russia?
cirocndario The Monza can be especially grateful to the Bolsheviks white, instead of teaching the religion of the country to their associates, who preached materialism to deny that religion and the homeland itself and gives precedence to the selfishness of his infamous ... .....
who sows the wind picks up a storm.
Thirteen thousand children of Italy in Monza and in the District responded to the great call, collect the gauntlet launched by the sixty thousand bastards who were deaf to that call and their perfidious and antiitaliani directors, reserve the prize si meritano: quello dei traditori.
I Fascisti di Monza e Circondario
da Blonde Brunette
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