Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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Saturday, December 5, 2009
What Age To Stop Riding A Horse
architect and designer Leghorn between Futurism and Classicism
drawings, sketches, set designs, costumes
Saturday December 12 2009 18.00
by December 12, 2009 at January 15, 2010
daily hours: 10-13 / 16-20
holidays and Monday morning closed
Project of the Odeon Cinema Livorno
1924 - City Terrace Superior
VIRGILIO MARKS (1895-Livorno Roma 1960).
After studies in his hometown he graduated from the School of Architecture
and participate as volunteers in the war of '15-18, is close to moving to Rome and befriends
Futurist FT Marinetti.
Process in those years on the open road in Italy by Antonio Sant 'Elia and Mario
Chiattone, his ideas on the renewal
in architecture. Let
Livorno and moved to Rome, where A. Giulio Bragaglia
entrusted him with the refurbishment of the old Palace Tittoni
spa that will become the Casa d'Arte Bragaglia
where he began his profession as a designer
for experimental theater, to be followed,
since 1925, the work of production designer for the Art Theatre of Rome
Luigi Pirandello. From 1935 to Cinecittà
as a set designer for film work with directors like
Blasetti, De Sica and Rossellini.
job will continue after the war (between 1947-1955)
also becoming a teacher at the Centro Sperimentale di Roma.
The years of his professional relationship with most Livorno
are those of the immediate post-war period, when restructuring plans
devastated by bombs
Theatre (San Marco, Goldoni and the good project, then not realized, for the
Politeama) . In 1946 he was commissioned to build the Cinema
Odeaon inaugurated in 1952.L 'building, which was a structure
advanced for the use of materials (sound and decoration)
for the large dining room and front iron (
as you can see the beautiful designs in the exhibition) was demolished in 2007-8
part to make room for a car park.
The catalog and the exhibition is curated by Enrica Torelli Landini.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Zumba Before After Results
show no 332

on display thirty works on paper dating from 1950 to 1991.
A happy return to the Gallery of Livorno Peccolo
after the retrospective that was dedicated in 1972
and exhibition of the series "Letters from a rare Love" in 1974.

born in Pistoia in 1917 died in Livorno in
lived in Livorno until 1958 where he began to paint. In 1949, after
experiences neo-cubist and abstract-geometric
MACesponendo joining the group in the famous Salto
Library in Milan. Since 1958 he had moved
in Milan, where he lived all his career.
His paintings have been exhibited in the most prestigious contemporary art exhibitions
national and international, and in many museums in Italy and Europe.
The study of the line and the geometric construction of
space on the surface of the painting are of fundamental importance and
a constant throughout his work
. This was evident in the series of the most famous
50s-60, dello Spazio Totale e poi nei ' 70
con Tempo Totale. Serie cui seguirono poi negli anni ' 80
quelle sul Terremoto e sulle linee orizzontali spezzate,
fino agli ultimi esiti nei quadri come Le Orme, o nei Satanici .
Un'altra costante della sua vita è stato l'appassionato e
contrastato rapporto che ha avuto con la sua città di
formazione: Livorno e il mare.
La casa editrice milanese Skira ha edito in questi giorni il
Catalogo Ragionato delle sue opere a cura del noto studioso
Germano Celant.

where the works are reproduced in the exhibition and a written Federico Sardella .
holidays and Monday morning closed
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
How To Spot Titleist Ap2 Fakes
shows n.330
See Hear, hear the vision .
Exhibition by Renzo Margonari.
October 17, 2009 18.00

"Surrealism lives on the state of desire ambiguous -l 'aspiration to remove the doubt-that touches the creative thinking of the artist today. Something that is indefinable, as if waiting for a completion, ignoring what it needs. Similar ambiguity also plays in general are specific to each Surrealist artist. Those who meet Orgeix of Christian is a person who is open, cheerful, very responsive and willing to dialogue, but you feel that one aspect of his personality remains in shadow, like a distant indefinable melancholy, in short, something ambiguous, and the date, time, must take a positive value, ie, a variant of the approximate connection between the "mysterious" and "bivalent". I am convinced that if the artist is in the midst of propria facoltà espressiva, la sua virtù poetica si manifesta con piena sincerità. L’opera di d’Orgeix, dunque, riproduce dell’impreciso fascino della sua personalità magistrale. Egli applica alla lettera, infatti, l’automatismo psichico creando opere pittoriche e plastiche con un’ampiezza di procedure tecniche e concettuali che contengono l’intero lessico del linguaggio estetico surreale e rappresentano figurativamente la ricchezza esperienziale di un instancabile scorridore dell’ES che ha compiuto tutti gli esperimenti continuando apertamente l’instancabile ricerca nell’“inconscio collettivo”, spinto dall’insaziabile desiderio che è pure l’irraggiungibile aspirazione di ri-conoscere il circostante. Queste perenni varianti morfologiche riguardano anche lo stile figurativo che aderendo all’immagine (quando non è viceversa) è anch’esso mutevole, talvolta all’interno di una stessa rappresentazione. Se ci avviciniamo al mistero, però, scopriamo che non si tratta, di ravvisare la “seconda natura delle cose” rivelata da De Chirico con la sua figurazione metafisica, perché D’Orgeix non scopre, ma esplora e registra progressive mutazioni delle forme mentre assumono aspetti e già cambiano per altri. Le immagini propongono un mondo tra organico e meccanico, in altre parole una meccanica organica della vita, ma non conosciamo alcuna sua opera che possa giudicarsi come ripetuto prodotto di una conveniente insistenza tematica con lo scopo di rendere riconoscibile l’autore. Vediamo bene, del resto, che ogni altra rappresentazione è differente ma allo stesso tempo complementare a quella che stiamo osservando, pur realizzando il medesimo programma figurativo. C’è, dunque, un preciso riferimento all’arte rinascimentale che ritroviamo spesso anche in Max Ernst e altri pittori surrealisti, introducendo la sua eccezionale versatilità tecnica nella realizzazione varia di presenze con morfologie atropo-meccaniche o d’inverosimili alambicchi e laboratori chimici che si compongono secondo parti dell’anatomia umana.Nelle sue immagini coesistono il duro e il molle, innestati l’uno nell’altro senza che si possa distinguere una vera differenza morfologica."
Renzo Margonari - estratto dal catalogo della mostra - Adriano Parise Editore, Colognola ai Colli (Vr).17 ottobre – 15 novembre 2009

Mosé - bronzo - altezza cm 60
Il sonno di Alessandro - bronzo - altezza cm 35
Diana of Ephesus - Bronze - height cm 55
of Christian Orgeix

Friday, September 4, 2009
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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have any questions please contact me.
Hello, Luca
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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What darkoogle start using it and why?
It 's just Google with a background ... black)
Same features and performance, with the advantage of saving energy we consume through our monitors.
As you will notice the layout of my blog is a black background for two main reasons:
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Saving is a good way to earn it? ;)
soon, Luke
Monday, August 24, 2009
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E 'the dawn of my blog.
Hello my name is Luke and I am the creator of this blog!
The main argument which I will be as per the title, but nevertheless I will try to space with more or less related topics to gain online.
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I hope everything is interested ^ ^ I'll write more information
in this regard in future articles;)
Hello, Luca