Today I dedicate to deepen the description of this kind of focused on a bar at a time.
In all, there is relief from the bar 20Dollars2Surf .
What is a bar advertising?
In a nutshell you just have to keep a banner on your desktop continuing to carry out your normal activities, but additionally you can accumulate points that will be converted into money at the end of the month.
The bar has the same size as the one above and you can move at will on your desktop.
The gain is real?
Yes, but not if you are alone. The more people who install and / or use the toolbar through your affiliate link, the more points you earn (removing anything to anyone), so you can reach the minimum amount to request your payment. Otherwise there is little to do.
What is so different from this bar altre?
Alcune barre se non tutte richiedono un codice di presenza all'avvio e ad intervalli regolari/irregolari. Pena il blocco della barra per un determinato periodo di tempo.
20Dollars non presenta questa pecca e per questo è già un bel vantaggio.
Inoltre ha ben 10 livelli di affiliazioni dai quali si possono ottenere dei punti in più.
Per ogni livello si ottiene il 10% di ciascun affiliato.
Inoltre è possibile accumulare 1 punto per ogni click sui propri banner di affiliazione, e 10 per ogni click sul proprio link di affiliazione
If you want to register click on the banner above and send your mail.
activate your account through the confirmation link and install the toolbar.
If your antivirus blocks it put the exceptions .
As each site is important to use data that correspond to reality otherwise you can request your payment when you reach the established quota.
In this case the payment is required via Paypal
The minimum amount to request your payment is $ 20
Others require of Alertpay
have any questions please contact me.
Hello, Luca
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