During the evening they also address issues particularly related to the NA for the elderly where all the speakers stressed the priority of intervention in public services, facilities, funding and structures needed to make in such difficult predicaments, a decent quality of life for those concerned for their families.
Boschiroli Gianmario the secretariat of the SPI CGIL Monza and Brianza noted, with dati dell’ISTAT della Università Bocconi e di altri, la realtà sul numero di strutture presenti sul territorio, sulla loro insufficienza, sui loro alti costi in relazione alla copertura finanziaria insufficiente da parte della regione; denunciando l’esistenza di residenze di serie A e di serie B si è soffermato sulla qualità del servizio, evidenziando la possibilità che il ricovero in RSA possa, a breve termine, vedere l’erogazione di questa offerta declinato a seconda della disponibilità finanziaria delle famiglie.
Requisiti importanti sono l’accoglienza, l’organizzazione, i diritti, una assistenza efficiente al fine di assicurare benessere e qualità della vita anche in questi luoghi. Inoltre posed the serious problem of lack of rehabilitation facilities medium necessary for the proper continuity of care, given that some diseases can not take advantage of integrated home care for family problems and for their gravity.
Irene Maria Colombo, President of social offer, spoke of the company was officially founded in 2003, but active in Vimercate as "inter-municipal agreement" from 2000 that manages a number of social services to protect vulnerable population groups, on behalf of member municipalities; 29 ordinary members of the association of the area and trezzese Vimercate, a catchment area of \u200b\u200babout 211,664 inhabitants, 384 cases of rehabilitation social work, 170 recruitment of disabled people since 2003, 23,007 hours of home care for children made during the year. All this highlights, in line with the Regional Law 3 / 2008, the address of the Association of Municipalities to promote and provide social assistance services in its territory into the ambit of the local plan.
In these years has facilitated and simplified the work of the municipalities within the social problems, now with the cuts decided in the last financial it was awaiting a response at the investment, mainly from the region that have shown its real intention of spending. The funds of the municipalities, which account for 55% of social spending e quelli statali e provinciali sono già stati garantiti per il 2011, ma persiste un punto di domanda su quelli provenienti dal Pirellone: se le risorse saranno ridotte difficilmente i comuni potranno immettere ulteriore denaro.
Carlo Borghetti, consigliere regionale e componente della III commissione sanità, ha confermato i timori già in essere: non è stato confermato il fondo per la Non Autosufficienza promesso da Formigoni, la quota sanitaria pur ottenendo più finanziamenti è comunque ridimensionata, mentre la parte sociale è ridotta ad uno scarso 10% sul totale delle prestazioni. Sono bloccati tutti gli accreditamenti verso le RSA, centri diurni integrati per disabili e alzheimer. Si prosegue così sul rito ambrosiano in health - ospedalocentrico - which sees the scarce resources used in favor of a domiciliarietà almost impossible, delegated to the families somewhat reduced in size which will continue to take advantage of coupons and vouchers and not services with the care of the person ..
also stresses that the Board has never dealt with establishing criteria for sharing the cost of various fees, putting in more difficulties and local families.
expresses a negative opinion on social and regional health plan, currently under discussion, which saw the Democrats present a number of amendments.
An evening and deepening of knowledge on line general guidelines and repercussions on the territories.
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