Abbiamo recentemente bed at the site of the new provisions relating Asl MB Nasko the plan, regional plan for the choice of continuing pregnancy for those who have economic difficulties as an alternative to abortion.
We find this measure, which is returned to the deliberation on the regional website of the ASL, technically in its guidelines, incomplete, ambiguous, imprecise, merely ideological. It 's definitely effective in the CL hypocritical line of fragmented aid, in line with the new Social and Health Plan Lombard tense in the corner to put the little' that is of public services such as Consultants, places with certain standards, including respect for religious or ethical belief . The recipient
of Nasko, women are in a state of economic hardship that will be entitled to a fund to have an abortion if they quit within 90 days with all the appropriate medical certification. A contribution to the purchase of goods and services for mother and child, facts and figures of € 4500 to € 250 monthly support for 18 months!. Oibò we jump on the chair ... my mother .. the WOMAN! and her husband, partner and family?!
From the bed, what are the criteria for determining the degree of deprivation and those for any list? ISEE, mobility, redundancy, two unemployed people in the house with eviction and / or mortgage payment, line of his grandfather in RSA? since in the handbook - a guide is necessary to demonstrate che “la gravidanza comporti un effettivo disagio economico”.
Vi è poi un Piano Personalizzato per il contingente ed il futuro….da sottoscrivere… il tutto gestito non solo dai Consultori Famigliari che tra l’altro non hanno più gli occhi per piangere data la scarsità di personale, le liste di accesso e i finanziamenti.. zac! ma anche dai famosi Consultori privati accreditati e i Centri di Aiuto alla Vita! Ragazzi!! Non scherziamo.
Abortire è una “scelta” dolorosa, vissuta spesso per svariati motivi in solitudine dalla donna, un percorso che una volta maturato, trova mille ostacoli tra cui un fronte di tanti medici obbiettori in Ospedale… ”altrimenti ti break the career ... objectors who do not want the morning-after pill, abortion is not an intervention.
The alternative, already in Act 194, would be the health and sexual education, knowingly left the post. You really think with this pannicello hot, laughable, to increase the birth abortion and defeat? Buffoni! Buffoni regional and national center-right, you go to see concrete steps taken to help the family, not the days of propaganda lorsignori that families have different!
years lorsignori humiliate women with job insecurity, the lack of recognition of care work, with the disadvantage donna che..decide di avere un figlio pur lavorando con aiuti semizero per la famiglia, sostegni vecchi e inadeguati per i lavoratori in difficoltà soprattutto per i precari. Riforme nel welfare quali il Reddito Minimo di Inserimento rinviati “sine die”, politiche famigliari ormai coniugabili con nuove povertà relative inesistenti.
Detto questo è riconosciuto come l’impegno delle responsabilità per la famiglia e il contrasto alla povertà siano fra i punti più deboli delle politiche sociali in Italia. Una mancanza di finanziamenti e di offerta di servizi sono investimenti alquanto miserevoli e appunto come nel nostro caso frammentari. Già dal residuo di aiuti esistenti restano esenti famiglie di lavoratori dipendenti There albeit with two modest incomes, much of the middle class, now with the crisis have become part of a degree of marginality and self-employed.
Finally, returning to our decision, after 18 months you do? That makes these temporary cash transfers? children grow up, go to school, will serve as transport, training, services, ect. and then: work for parents will be more secure and well paid?, there will be decent housing, a flexible schedule to take care of family responsibilities? These are not
flue that help the birth, but it is a measure of the social aspect along with a socio-economic recovery in general, see family support as an investment in economic development policies, growth of a real human and social capital, both locally and nationally.
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