La provincia di Udin e chiamata ad esprimere un " parere in merito al progetto preliminare relativo the replacement of traffic signals at the intersection the main road number 56 and the main road No.7 [93 and SP Varmo street, I might add] intersection with a roundabout with a radius of 10m ", by decision of 14/02/11 arrived in town at the Rivignano 16/02/11 expressed" unfavorable technical opinion ".
In short, it was clearly rejected the proposed roundabout, so far presented by the Administration Anzil-Baron-Tonizzo-Fleece-and others, instead of traffic lights that we here at the crossing Rivignano Asylum .
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(Vista away from the intersection toward the square Codroipo) |
The design of the roundabout, that in recent months has been repeatedly presented by our Mayor and the Councillor Massimo MarioAnzil Tonizzo (also mentioned in the press) as an intervention of this qualifying their Directors, was decided by them instead of the original draft of expansion of the initial stretch of Via Cavour (notoriously narrow and dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians ) for which the previous Administration had requested and obtained Battistutta regional contribution (of about € 80,000 to € 160,000 of the total cost, if I remember correctly).
believe that the alleged "problem" of managing traffic in that intersection would look way too pretentious (and offensive intelligence that we recognize) to justify such a willingness on the part of our current directors . spontaneously arises because the strong curiosity to know whether the decision to build the roundabout is really the "cause" waiver of the enlargement of Via Cavour, or, rather, this is anything more than a "stopgap" functional only " redevelopment, rather than lose (which is actually very serious and a real harm to Rivignano and image of our administrators), the contribution Regional that original project.
Needless to hide what you feel in the country and sometimes comment that I agree: even in my humble opinion, in fact, there might be a reasonable probability that the "fallback" of the roundabout has been determined by the availability (we can define it without offending anyone?) Anzil administration to the "desired" by some whose assets would inevitably be affected by the activation of extension of Via Cavour. If this is right or wrong would be investigated by at least two respects: firstly, that understandable to those who see her involved in spite of his property, his goods for public utility operations; the other should be discussed on the supremacy of the collective interest and ethics policy choices and techniques of public administrators who must find a balance between these two instances.
For myself, I believe that if the public interest is really important, it must also have head on the right of individuals. I let each of you readers to decide between these two which is the most important intervention for Rivignano and rivignanesi (and beyond).
But the measure provincial technical study, what were the reasons for the "rejection" of the project by the Province?
First, because the same province, with the spot checks and tests of March 2010 (almost a year ago), had already expressed preplessità very evident that it proposed a range of only 10m of the roundabout, and they measure it, in fact, compared with the roundabout project that despite those comments left with a radius of 10m, said that " the minimum radius of the roundabout to allow a turning maneuver to correct the public transportation line shall be 11.50 m " (we know that they came to do well Experiment with courier).
I do not think so hard to understand, and it is a matter of common sense. Have you ever seen the intersection as a turning the buses, tractors with wagons in tow, some trucks that have and still have the right to pass through the square for the roundabout?
If, back to the comments of the province, given the fact that there must be even sidewalks and that these should be regular to have a width of 1.5 meters, well serves an area equivalent to a circle of diameter 26 meters, something very difficult to achieve in that intersection without expropriating spaces adjacent to the roundabout leading to dramatic cost increases for the evictions themselves and also for the related technical assistance services that pass under the road (and given the clear moon represented in the recent municipal budget ...).
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(Vista intersection Asylum Varmo Via to Via Udine) |
Look at the picture above taken away by Varma and imagine the traffic circle, slightly on the left, more or less as it should be in the project: well I'm afraid that the visibility of traffic from road Codroipo and Via Umberto I would be visible only at the very last moment and, with a diameter as small roundabout, try to think a truck or a bus that has to turn right or left and you can imagine that at least some would inevitably invade 'the opposite lanes but without any force that might need to stop . really very risky!
Finally, without going into details some other "minor" of the decision, the province has also shown that on the street in the Udine City Council proposal was expected to recess for the rest of the public means of transport and school bus children Asylum, to avoid blocking traffic (and I recognize that this is a good idea). But they have designed it too short because the province says that "The proposed stop off the roadway to the origin Sevillian station must have a length of 15m; " That stop out of office would be located in the stretch more or less between the nursing home and the front door of the Asylum courtyard (pictured below, more or less corresponds to the part where you see the signal to the bus stop on the Asylum).
La comnicazione della Provincia di Udine, infine, si conclude con l'indicazione che " La nuova soluzione a rotatoria deve inoltre essere corredata da verifica di visibilità e di deflessione ": voglio auspicare che chi sarà chiamato a prendere queste decisioni e a fare questi controlli preventivi vorrà far rispettare questi requisiti che sono di... buon senso, prima ancora che di regolarità tecnica fine a sè stessa .
E se proprio la rotatoria non ci stà fisicamente?
Ancora buon senso! Si potrebbe tornare all'idea originale (forse più useful Rivignano) the enlargement of the initial stretch of Via Cavour . Otherwise, the Administration evaluates the contribution to the Region so that it can be used by other ideas more clear and correct (but of this, then, the Administration Anzil-Baron-Tonizzo-Fleece-and I think others should be accountable to rivignanesi ).
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