L'iPad e il giusnaturalismo
Magari non ci avete fatto caso, ma con l’avvento dell’iPad il mondo web sta cambiando. Non solo perché con il mobile (leggasi mobail) si è ovunque e sempre connessi, ma perché cambia il modo di fruire la rete. Quando mi ci avventuravo io le prime volte - sto parlando del lontano 1996 - la rete era una jungla priva di motori di ricerca, per trovare qualcosa dovevi farti furbo e provare e riprovare finché non la imbroccavi. Oggi è tutto diverso: ci sono miliardi di siti, una Babele di opportunità e contenuti, motori e cartelli che ti portano dove vuoi, o quasi. Ma i siti sono comunque troppi, ecco il punto. E così l’utente, stanco della vaghezza dei motori di ricerca, chiede più ordine: basta jungla, basta ricerche Which takes a lot of time. Well, put it this way: the browser leaves part of his academic freedom in exchange for the certainty of finding something quickly tested and valid. Not for nothing that it all goes to peer feedback from users. This phenomenon recalls the discussion of the time of Hobbes and Locke natural law: what and how many rights you're willing to give up your security? How much freedom you put in the pot to feel comfortable? Leviathan Hobbes justified us, the absolute state, not straw. With the advent of mobile working more or less like this: I give the utopia of the network, who knows where the free exploration that brings me, and I connect to power (see I do not have time) to those places where I can find almost everything, places ultimately understood as a market place. The fence App store is proof. For those who develop applications, the popular app, or are you in there, or are not perceived, in fact you are not their own. This story is not necessarily a bad thing, but it certainly is a signal: win today's aggregators, who make policy - that selection - the first of our own research. They alone decide who goes and who not, who goes and who goes. But the network has changed and why change is changing the way we practice, our needs change and accordingly adjusts product. And this new way of iPad (world) is set to sail due materiale e finale, darsena e nave.
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