Monday, February 7, 2011

Wildlife Rescue Game Rugrats

What is the role and future of culture in Rivignano? Library: we are the "swan song"?

Questa volta vi informo sulla scorsa seduta della “ Commissione Cultura, Biblioteca e Salvaguardia delle Tradizioni locali ”, di cui anche io sono componente, tenutasi giovedì 3 febbraio.
Premetto che la Commissione è costituita da un gruppo di persone cordiali e anche competenti (di sicuro più di me).
Io sono talvolta il “rompiscatole” della situazione. “Rompiscatole” perché interpreto in un certo modo il ruolo di questa commissione Comunale Consultiva. Ritengo, ad esempio, che gli aspetti prettamente gestionali the library service should be carried out quite independently especially by those who have specific skills and proven professional skills, such as the Librarian Dr. Minuzzo, except occasionally on the progress reports.
are the "Cable Guy" because I believe that hinder the function of this Commission is mainly to try to bring his (albeit modest) contribution in the field of cultural analysis of the needs in our municipality, any proposals for new initiatives and evaluation of resources and research of the same .
All this, mind you (we stay in our place), just to bring the proposals It will then assess the municipal administration, and ultimately will be the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to decide on a few (from sources "inside", in fact, it appears that often it is true that the decisions are then "adopted" by all but formally in reality often would be the usual few to get them, but these are their problems ... for now).
not enough to do more to appear active only in the "cultural events for VIPs, those celebrated with newspaper articles or providing seminars, meetings or whatever! This so-called culture in our country is likely to allow time it finds. Let's do, however, also to increase "our culture", our "activities culturali"; saranno pure più modeste, più casalinghe ma è la vera "Cultura" che può contribuire alla nostra crescita di cittadini di questa comunità con delle offerte che siano alla nostra portata (e non solo estemporanee ed occasionali).
Invece in Commissione ci stiamo trovando a parlare esclusivamente di Biblioteca; ma secondo me avrebbero bisogno della stessa nostra attenzione (cosa tutt’altro che facile da fare) pure le Bande Musicali, le Associazioni Culturali teatrali, letterarie, ecc. . Per fortuna che queste altre nostre realtà culturali in qualche modo sono abituate a farcela da sole senza aspettarsi più di tanto il nostro aiuto; però questa è una magra consolazione per me and does not reduce a sense of inadequacy that I feel as a member of this Commission Culture (even if it depends only in part by us).
Having said that just to frame the general situation (flow from my point of view, of course, that can always be at your discretion questionable), last Thursday the central theme was the draconian cut the opening hours of the public Library Service Rivignano .
After that in recent years the Library of Rivignano through investments and the results of several people who wanted it had reached with the due proportion, to confront the reality of similar reference area, suddenly a few weeks Anzil the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor Toaldo Baron, Councillor Meret, Councillor Tonizzo, Councillor fleece and all the others have decided to reduce the opening hours of the library 29 hours per week provided by Rivignano until last year to the current 7.5 .
Yes, you heard me right: only 7.5 hours a week.
The opening of the Library have reduced to one-quarter opened up last year. Hence the title " Library: we are the" swan song "? "

Objectively, we can also understand that, given the overall situation of economic hardship but also the particular difficulty that is facing this administration (and therefore the City and all of us), some reduction is inevitable (even) this service (how long we are pointing out that these administrators so we will continue to reduce service to all citizens of Rivignano?). But an account is to reduce service and an account is almost completely remove it!
And then to make this decision may have been at least minimally even those who feel in some way affected by the the Administration to deal with? The librarian and the President of the Commission Elisa Zatti (we asked and so we have confirmed) were not taken into account in any way for their prior opinion on this plan to cut hours and were only informed of decisions taken.
President Elisa Zatti, but then, that there is to do this Commission? We mica only there to decide whether to subscribe to a magazine rather than another, not! But however, seems to be precisely the considerzione prevalent among our current directors mentioned above to this Commission, in short, (even) this Commissione (quasi tutte le altre o sono state convocate raramente o neppure mai convocate) è solo uno dei diversi specchietti per le “allodole” (con sincero rispetto parlando, per chi ora si sente tale) usato da qualcuno per far credere (a tanti) che se li avessero votati sarebbero poi stati chiamati a partecipare attivamente alle scelte di questa Amministrazione.
La realtà è ben diversa. Ma questo è un altro discorso.
Tornando alla Biblioteca, a nostro modesto avviso sarebbe possibile limitare il “danno” che si sta perpetrando al Servizio Biblioteca; pensate solo al fatto che sono state eliminate del tutto le aperture del mattino così di fatto precludendo pesantemente la possibilità Access a bit 'freer, easier schools.
may not be sufficient justification that expired at the end of December 2010 the contracts of socially useful workers who first helped to keep open the Library and that the region is giving half of the contributions required for these types of services, already knew , in fact, that there was this reduction of resources and therefore knew that if they wanted to prove to be good stewards, they should find alternative solutions to limit the "damage". Instead, they chose the "shortcut" easier (for them!): Cut!
But in the "folds" the resources currently available and already in the town was and still is the possibility, if you will, to find ways to increase by at least a few hours of the opening of the library without increasing the costs (and apologies for the crackles responsibility can be filled ... if you like). Why have not wanted to think about this possibility? Why not have even wanted to try to involve others (eg the Commission?) To ask for ideas, suggestions and to assess whether viable or not?
Presumption? Arrogance? Unpreparedness? Indifference? Do you


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